Ducks may not be as popular as backyard pets compared to chickens, but they’re equally charming and can make great companions. Not only are they chatty and quick to form attachments, but they also have a flexible diet that includes various fruits and vegetables. Many people wonder about the question: “Can ducks eat cabbage”? Let’s learn about the relationship between cabbage and duck diet in the article below.

Can Ducks Eat Cabbage: A Healthy and Tasty Treat for Ducks
Yes, ducks can enjoy cabbage just as much as we do. While some ducks may not prefer raw cabbage, they will gladly eat it when boiled. Whether it’s red cabbage, savoy cabbage, or brussels sprouts, all varieties are safe and beneficial for ducks, as long as you feed them in moderation.
If you’re considering adding cabbage to your feathered friends’ diet, this article will provide you with all the guidance you need.
Read More:
- Can Ducks Eat Pumpkins: Benefits and Feeding Tips Explained
- Can Ducks Eat Pumpkin Seeds: What Benefits, How To Prepare?
- Do Ducks Eat Cucumbers: The Culinary World of Ducks
Nutrition and Health Benefits of Cabbage for Ducks
Leafy vegetables like cabbages rank high on the list of superfoods due to their nutritional value. But do cabbages offer the same benefits to our feathered pets? Let’s find out.
Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional composition of cabbages in a 100-gram serving:
- Vitamin A: Promotes healthy eyesight, reproductive health, and immune function.
- Vitamin B9 (Folates): Essential for red blood cell production.
- Calcium: Strengthens bones and is vital for egg-laying ducks.
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Converts carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy.
- Potassium: Regulates the duck’s fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions.
- Phosphorus: Enhances muscle function.
- Carbohydrates: The main energy source for ducks.
These health benefits clearly indicate that feeding cabbages to your feathered friends is an excellent idea.
Raw or Cooked Cabbage: Which is Better for Ducks?
Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable known for its complex sugars and high fiber content. While humans may struggle to digest raw cabbage, ducks can easily handle it without any issues. However, some ducks may be picky due to the distinct smell of raw cabbage. If that’s the case, boiling the cabbage for about 10 minutes on low heat and letting it cool down can make it more appealing to them.
Can Ducklings Eat Cabbage?
Ducklings are generally healthy and adapt quickly to their surroundings. However, they should be exclusively fed chick starter feed for the first two weeks of their lives. After that, you can slowly introduce other solid foods, including cabbage. Remember to feed ducklings smaller amounts of cabbage compared to adults to avoid diarrhea and weakness.
Red Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, and Brussels Sprouts: All Safe Choices
Red cabbage, despite its nutritional richness, is safe and highly recommended for pet ducks. It contains higher vitamin content, phytonutrients, and antioxidants compared to regular cabbage.
Similarly, savoy cabbage, with its lacy, ridged leaves, is equally safe and nutritious for your feathered pets. Ducks can also safely enjoy brussels sprouts. Finely chop both the tops and stalks before serving them to your ducks, and they can be consumed raw or cooked.
Frozen Cabbage: A Good Choice for Ducks when Thawed
If you’ve frozen cabbages for later use, don’t worry—they can also be fed to your ducks after proper thawing. However, ensure that the cabbage is completely defrosted, as even a small frozen piece can cause choking.
Pickled Cabbage: Not Suitable for Ducks
While pickled cabbages are a popular dish worldwide, they are not suitable for your feathered pets. The vinegar, salt, and sugar used in pickling can adversely affect their health. It’s best to avoid offering pickled cabbages to your ducks.
How to Feed Cabbage to Ducks?
When offering cabbages to your ducks, follow these guidelines for their safety and well-being:
- Choose fresh, organic cabbages: Using organic cabbages ensures that your ducks aren’t exposed to harmful pesticides or chemicals.
- Avoid molded or withering cabbages: Moldy or withering cabbages can be toxic for your ducks. If you notice signs of spoilage, discard them.
- Finely chop the cabbage: To prevent your ducks from choking, finely chop the cabbage. Using a vegetable grater can make it quicker and easier.
- Cook the cabbage if needed: While ducks can eat raw cabbage, cooking it can make it more appealing to them. Boil the cabbage without adding salt or spices.
- Mix cabbage with their pellets: Add variety to your ducks’ diet by mixing finely chopped cabbage with their pellets. Feed in moderation. Cabbage contains a high water content, so feeding it too often can lead to loose stool or diarrhea. Moderation is key.
So, you know the answer to the question: “Can ducks eat cabbage?” Cabbage is a safe and healthy treat for ducks due to their nutritional value. Remember to follow the proper feeding guidelines to ensure your ducks enjoy their cabbage in a wholesome and balanced manner.